The All Programmable SoC architecture from Xilinx serves as the foundation for the XA Zynq-7000 Automotive series. These products combine a 28 nm Xilinx programmable logic (PL) chip and a feature-rich dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor system (PS) into a single unit. The ARM Cortex-A9 CPUs, which also have on-chip memory, external memory interfaces, and a wide range of peripheral connectivity interfaces, constitute the PS's brains. Applications requiring high levels of computational complexity and flexibility would benefit greatly from this highly integrated, versatile, and power-efficient solution. The devices in the automotive family, which focuses on automotive applications, are the Z-7010, Z-7020, and Z-7030 models.
By driving the following device's CE input with the CEO output, many devices can be connected together. All the PROMs in this chain's clock inputs and DATA outputs are connected. Each device works with the others and can be cascaded with family members. The FPGA design file is converted into a common Hex format for device programming using either the Xilinx Alliance or Foundation series development system. This format is then sent to the majority of commercial PROM programmers.