The Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ FPGAs come in speed grades of 3, 2, and 1, with devices in the speed grade 3E having the best performance. With a lower maximum static power, the -2LE devices can run at a VCCINT voltage of 0.85V or 0.72V. The speed specification for the L devices is the same as the -2I speed grade when operated at VCCINT = 0.85V with -2LE devices. The performance of the -2LE and the static and dynamic power are decreased when run at VCCINT = 0.72V.
The extended (E), industrial (I), and military (M) temperature ranges are used to specify DC and AC characteristics. All DC and AC electrical properties, with the exception of the operating temperature range or unless otherwise specified, are the same for a given speed grade (for example, the timing characteristics of an extended device with a speed grade of -1 are the same as those of an industrial device with a speed grade of -1). In each temperature range, however, only a few speed grades and/or devices are offered.
The devices that are offered in XQ Ruggedized packages are the only ones to which the XQ references in this data sheet apply. For further information on XQ Defensegrade part numbers, packages, and ordering information, see the Defense-Grade UltraScale Architecture Data Sheet: Overview (DS895).