74496 logic elements/cells are needed to create a basic building block. This FPGA module's RAM si702kBe reaches 702kB to guarantee the software will run normally. If put in Surface Mount, this FPGA might deliver excellent results if its specs are met. When used with a 1V supply voltage, its versatility may be completely used. The highest temperature at which this module can function is 100 °C. It is advised that the operating temperature for FPGA electronics be higher than -40°C. 5820 logic blocks (LABs) make up the system's fundamental building component. There are 93120 registers available for data storage and transport as a consequence.
Flexible configuration options
GTX transceivers: up to 6.6 Gb/s
System Monitor capability on all devices
Flexible configuration options
Advanced, high-performance FPGA Logic
1.0V core voltage (-1, -2, -3 speed grades only)
Industrial Automation
Consumer Electronics
Artificial Intelligence
Specifications | Value |
Mount | Surface Mount |
Package / Case | FCBGA |
Max Operating Temperature | 100°C |
Min Operating Temperature | -40°C |
Operating Supply Voltage | 1V |
Number of I/O | 360 |
RAM Size | 702kB |
Number of Logic Elements/Cells | 74496 |
Number of Logic Blocks (LABs) | 5820 |
Speed Grade | 1 |
Number of Registers | 93120 |
RoHS Status | RoHS Compliant |
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