The fundamental units of logic consist of 251904 logic components or cells. It is driven by 1 volts. 320 outputs were added during this device's installation. It has 1156 terminations overall, 1156 on each end. To ensure the smooth execution of the software while it is running, the RAM si2.2MBe of this FPGA module reaches 2.2MB. It requires 1154 pins to function, which have been developed. This FPGA may operate flawlessly in accordance with its specifications as long as it is put in Surface Mount. With a 1V supply voltage, designers may fully leverage its versatility. The maximum working temperature for FPGA electronics in this module is 100°C. It is advised that the working temperature for FPGA electronics be higher than -40°C.
Flexible configuration options
GTX transceivers: up to 6.6 Gb/s
System Monitor capability on all devices
Flexible configuration options
Advanced, high-performance FPGA Logic
1.0V core voltage (-1, -2, -3 speed grades only)
Medical ultrasounds
Software-defined radio
Video & Image Processing
Automotive Applications
Aircraft navigation
Specifications | Value |
Mount | Surface Mount |
Package / Case | FCBGA |
Number of Pins | 1154 |
JESD-609 Code | e0 |
Pbfree Code | no |
Number of Terminations | 1156 |
ECCN Code | 3A991.D |
Terminal Finish | TIN LEAD |
Max Operating Temperature | 100°C |
Min Operating Temperature | -40°C |
Subcategory | Field Programmable Gate Arrays |
Technology | CMOS |
Terminal Position | BOTTOM |
Terminal Form | BALL |
Peak Reflow Temperature (Cel) | NOT SPECIFIED |
Supply Voltage | 1V |
Terminal Pitch | 1mm |
Time@Peak Reflow Temperature-Max (s) | NOT SPECIFIED |
Pin Count | 1156 |
JESD-30 Code | S-PBGA-B1156 |
Number of Outputs | 320 |
Qualification Status | Not Qualified |
Operating Supply Voltage | 1V |
Supply Voltage-Max (Vsup) | 1.05V |
Temperature Grade | INDUSTRIAL |
Number of I/O | 320 |
RAM Size | 2.2MB |
Number of Logic Elements/Cells | 251904 |
Number of Logic Blocks (LABs) | 19680 |
Speed Grade | 2 |
Height Seated (Max) | 3.5mm |
Length | 35mm |
Width | 35mm |
RoHS Status | RoHS Compliant |
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