In order to achieve a more coherent data transport, 480 I/Os are coded in total. The fundamental units of logic consist of 253440 logic components or cells. One volt serves as the power source for it. The device has 480 outputs built in to provide you with the most versatility possible. This FPGA module's RAM si2.3MBe reaches 2.3MB to guarantee the software will run normally. This FPGA will function flawlessly in accordance with its specifications as long as it is put in Surface Mount. With a 1V supply voltage, designers may fully leverage its versatility. This module can withstand temperatures up to 85°C during normal operation. The operating temperature should be higher than 0°C.
Integrated interface blocks for PCI Express® designs
Flexible configuration options
GTX transceivers: up to 6.6 Gb/s
System Monitor capability on all devices
Flexible configuration options
Advanced, high-performance FPGA Logic
1.0V core voltage (-1, -2, -3 speed grades only)
Consumer Electronics
Artificial Intelligence
5G Technology
Specifications | Value |
Mount | Surface Mount |
Package / Case | FCBGA |
Published | 2008 |
JESD-609 Code | e0 |
Pbfree Code | no |
Part Status | Active |
ECCN Code | 3A991.D |
Terminal Finish | TIN LEAD |
Max Operating Temperature | 85°C |
Min Operating Temperature | 0°C |
Subcategory | Field Programmable Gate Arrays |
Technology | CMOS |
Terminal Position | BOTTOM |
Terminal Form | BALL |
Supply Voltage | 1V |
Terminal Pitch | 1mm |
Number of Outputs | 480 |
Operating Supply Voltage | 1V |
Supply Voltage-Max (Vsup) | 1.05V |
Temperature Grade | OTHER |
Number of I/O | 480 |
RAM Size | 2.3MB |
Propagation Delay | 220 ps |
Number of Inputs | 480 |
Number of Logic Elements/Cells | 253440 |
Number of Logic Blocks (LABs) | 19800 |
Speed Grade | 2 |
Height Seated (Max) | 3.85mm |
Length | 45mm |
Width | 45mm |
Radiation Hardening | No |
RoHS Status | RoHS Compliant |
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