For more effective data transfer, there are 640 I/Os accessible. A basic construction block has 382464 logic components or cells. You will be able to use 640 outputs with this device. There are 1924 pins included inside the device. This FPGA should function flawlessly if put in Surface Mount, according to its specs. Designers can take full use of its versatility while running with a supply voltage of 1V. This module has a maximum working temperature of 100°C. It is advised that the working temperature for FPGA electronics be higher than -40°C. Its fundamental building component consists of 29880 logic blocks (LABs).
Optional pipelining
New optional pre-adder to assist filtering applications
Optional bitwise logic functionality
Dedicated cascade connections
Voice recognition
Embedded Vision
Enterprise networking
Software-defined radios
Specifications | Value |
Mount | Surface Mount |
Package / Case | FCBGA |
Number of Pins | 1924 |
JESD-609 Code | e1 |
Pbfree Code | yes |
Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) | 4 |
Terminal Finish | Tin/Silver/Copper (Sn96.5Ag3.0Cu0.5) |
Max Operating Temperature | 100°C |
Min Operating Temperature | -40°C |
Subcategory | Field Programmable Gate Arrays |
Technology | CMOS |
Terminal Position | BOTTOM |
Terminal Form | BALL |
Peak Reflow Temperature (Cel) | 245 |
Supply Voltage | 1V |
Time@Peak Reflow Temperature-Max (s) | 30 |
Number of Outputs | 640 |
Qualification Status | Not Qualified |
Operating Supply Voltage | 1V |
Temperature Grade | INDUSTRIAL |
Number of I/O | 640 |
RAM Size | 3.4MB |
Number of Logic Elements/Cells | 382464 |
Number of Logic Blocks (LABs) | 29880 |
Speed Grade | 1 |
Combinatorial Delay of a CLB-Max | 5.08 ns |
Height Seated (Max) | 3.85mm |
Length | 45mm |
Width | 45mm |
RoHS Status | RoHS Compliant |
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