For more effective data transfer, there are 640 I/Os accessible. The fundamental units of logic consist of 566784 logic elements or cells. The FPGA module can be mounted to the development board using an attaching surface mount. It requires a source voltage between 0.95V and 1.05V to function. It's crucial to maintain the machine's temperature within the 0°C to 100°C TJ range while it's in operation. 640 outputs were added during this device's installation. For the sake of reducing space, this FPGA model is packed in Tray.
Advanced, high-performance FPGA Logic
1.0V core voltage (-1, -2, -3 speed grades only)
Integrated interface blocks for PCI Express® designs
Flexible configuration options
GTX transceivers: up to 6.6 Gb/s
Wireless Communications
Voice recognition
Embedded Vision
Enterprise networking
Specifications | Value |
Product Type: | FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array |
Subcategory: | Programmable Logic ICs |
Product Category: | FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array |
Series: | XC6VHX565T |
Number of Logic Elements: | 566784 LE |
Adaptive Logic Modules - ALMs: | 88560 ALM |
Embedded Memory: | 32.06 Mbit |
Number of I/Os: | 640 I/O |
Supply Voltage - Min: | 1 V |
Supply Voltage - Max: | 1 V |
Minimum Operating Temperature: | 0 C |
Maximum Operating Temperature: | + 100 C |
Data Rate: | 6.6 Gb/s, 11 Gb/s |
Number of Transceivers: | 72 Transceiver |
Mounting Style: | SMD/SMT |
Package / Case: | FBGA-1924 |
Brand: | Xilinx |
Distributed RAM: | 6370 kbit |
Embedded Block RAM - EBR: | 32832 kbit |
Maximum Operating Frequency: | 1600 MHz |
Number of Logic Array Blocks - LABs: | 44280 LAB |
Operating Supply Voltage: | 1 V |
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