In order to achieve a more coherent data flow, a total of 600 I/Os are designed. A computer's essential building block is its logic components or cells. Power for FPGA chips comes from a 1V source. The FPGA module may be mounted to the development board using an attaching surface mount. It requires a source voltage between 0.95V and 1.05V to function. When running, the temperature should be kept between the range of -40°C to 100°C TJ. The device has 600 outputs built into it. Due to space restrictions, Tray now includes this FPGA type. The device will provide you with a lot of memory thanks to its RAM bit size of 9732096.
Optional pipelining
New optional pre-adder to assist filtering applications
Optional bitwise logic functionality
Dedicated cascade connections
Automotive Applications
Military Temperature
Medical ultrasounds
Software-defined radio
Video & Image Processing
Specifications | Value |
Mount | Surface Mount |
Mounting Type | Surface Mount |
Package / Case | 1156-BBGA, FCBGA |
Number of Pins | 1156 |
Operating Temperature | -40°C~100°C TJ |
Packaging | Tray |
Published | 2008 |
Series | Virtex®-6 LXT |
JESD-609 Code | e0 |
Pbfree Code | no |
Part Status | Active |
Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) | 4 (72 Hours) |
Terminal Finish | Tin/Lead (Sn63Pb37) |
Subcategory | Field Programmable Gate Arrays |
Technology | CMOS |
Voltage - Supply | 0.95V~1.05V |
Terminal Position | BOTTOM |
Terminal Form | BALL |
Peak Reflow Temperature (Cel) | NOT SPECIFIED |
Supply Voltage | 1V |
Time@Peak Reflow Temperature-Max (s) | NOT SPECIFIED |
Base Part Number | XC6VLX130T |
Number of Outputs | 600 |
Qualification Status | Not Qualified |
Operating Supply Voltage | 1V |
Number of I/O | 600 |
RAM Size | 1.2MB |
Number of Logic Elements/Cells | 128000 |
Total RAM Bits | 9732096 |
Number of LABs/CLBs | 10000 |
Speed Grade | 1 |
Combinatorial Delay of a CLB-Max | 5.08 ns |
Height Seated (Max) | 3.5mm |
Length | 35mm |
Width | 35mm |
RoHS Status | ROHS3 Compliant |
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