The AMD Xilinx XC7S100-2FGGA484C is an integrated circuit (IC) that falls under the category of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). There are 338 input/output (I/O) ports on it, and it is surface-mounted. There are 102,400 logic elements/cells and 8,000 logic array blocks (LABs/CLBs) in the integrated circuit. There are 4,423,680 bits in its 4,024 GB of RAM. From 0.95V to 1.05V is the voltage supply range. A 484-FPBGA (23x23) device package is used. Temperatures between 0°C and 85°C (TJ) are within its operating range. The ROHS3 requirements are met by this IC. View Substitutes & Alternatives, datasheets, stock, pricing from Authorized Distributors, as well as other FPGAs goods, at
Real 6-input lookup table (LUT)-based advanced high-performance FPGA logic that may be configured as distributed memory.
Block RAM with a built-in FIFO for on-chip data buffering, 36 Kb, twin ports.
High-speed SelectIOTM technology that is compatible with DDR3 connections of up to 1,866 Mb/s.
Phase-locked loop (PLL) and mixed-mode clock manager (MMCM) blocks are combined in powerful clock management tiles (CMT) for high precision and low jitter.
Utilize the MicroBlazeTM processor to quickly install embedded processing.
PCI Express® (PCIe) integrated block supports up to x8 Gen3 Endpoint and Root Port designs.
Multi-function Printers
Multi-Axis Motor Control
Multifunction printers
Automotive driver assistance
Medical diagnostics and imaging
Video and night vision equipment
IP and Smart camera
LTE radio and baseband
Specification | Value |
Category | Integrated Circuits (ICs) Embedded FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array) |
Mfr | AMD |
Series | Spartan®-7 |
Package | Tray |
Product Status | Active |
DigiKey Programmable | Not Verified |
Number of LABs/CLBs | 8000 |
Number of Logic Elements/Cells | 102400 |
Total RAM Bits | 4423680 |
Number of I/O | 338 |
Voltage - Supply | 0.95V ~ 1.05V |
Mounting Type | Surface Mount |
Operating Temperature | 0°C ~ 85°C (TJ) |
Package / Case | 484-BGA |
Supplier Device Package | 484-FPBGA (23x23) |
Base Product Number | XC7S100 |
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