An integrated circuit (IC) made by AMD Xilinx is the XC7Z030-2SBG485E. It is a product from the Zynq-7000 series and has two 800MHz dual ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore with CoreSight core processors. The item is packaged in a tray and comes in a typical package of 1. The XC7Z030-2SBG485E supports CANbus, EBI/EMI, Ethernet, I2C, MMC/SD/SDIO, SPI, UART/USART, and USB OTG among other connectivity choices. Additionally, it has 130 I/Os, DMA peripherals, and 256KB of RAM. The product's main feature is an MCU, FPGA architecture with 125K Logic Cells on a KintexTM-7 FPGA. The product comes in a 484-FBGA, FCBGA packaging with a 484-FCBGA (19x19) supplier device package. The product, which belongs to the EAR99 ECCN category, operates between 0°C and 100°C (TJ). The open market fake threat for the XC7Z030-2SBG485E is 65%, and its MSL level is 4 (72 hours). The item falls under the HTSUS category of 8542.39.001 and is not impacted by REACH.
2.5 DMIPS/MHz per CPU
CPU frequency: Up to 1 GHz
Coherent multiprocessor support
ARMv7-A architecture
TrustZone® security
Thumb®-2 instruction set
Jazelle® RCT execution Environment Architecture
NEON™ media-processing engine
Single and double precision Vector Floating Point Unit (VFPU)
CoreSight™ and Program Trace Macrocell (PTM)
Timer and Interrupts
Three watchdog timers
One global timer
Two triple-timer counters
Automotive driver assistance, driver information, and infotainment
Broadcast camera
Industrial motor control, industrial networking, and machine vision
IP and Smart camera
LTE radio and baseband
Medical diagnostics and imaging
Multifunction printers
Video and night vision equipment
Specification | Value |
Category | Integrated Circuits (ICs) Embedded - System On Chip (SoC) |
Mfr | AMD Xilinx |
Series | Zynq®-7000 |
Package | Tray |
Architecture | MCU, FPGA |
Core Processor | Dual ARM® Cortex®-A9 MPCore™ with CoreSight™ |
RAM Size | 256KB |
Peripherals | DMA |
Connectivity | CANbus, EBI/EMI, Ethernet, I2C, MMC/SD/SDIO, SPI, UART/USART, USB OTG |
Speed | 800MHz |
Primary Attributes | Kintex™-7 FPGA, 125K Logic Cells |
Temperature Range - Operating | 0°C ~ 100°C (TJ) |
Package / Case | 484-FBGA, FCBGA |
Supplier Device Package | 484-FCBGA (19x19) |
Number of I/O | 130 |
Base Product Number | XC7Z030 |
MSL Level | 4 (72 Hours) |
REACH Status | REACH Unaffected |
ECCN | EAR99 |
HTSUS | 8542.39.0001 |
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