LFEC1CE-4TN100C-3I is designed to provide common FPGA functionalities at a reasonable price. The LatticeECP (EConomy Plus) FPGA idea combines an effective FPGA fabric with high-speed dedicated functionalities for optimal performance and value. The LFEC1CE-4TN100C-3I is the first product to use this methodology and offers specialized high-performance DSP blocks on-chip. To achieve more affordable solutions, LFEC1CE-4TN100C-3I provides all the general-purpose characteristics of LatticeECP devices without specialized function blocks. All essential FPGA components are present in the LatticeECP/EC FPGA fabric, which was created with low cost in mind from the beginning. These components include LUT-based logic, distributed and embedded memory, PLLs, and support for common I/Os. Additionally included is dedicated DDR memory interface logic, which is becoming more and more common in applications with tight budgets. Large complicated designs can be effectively implemented using the LFEC1CE-4TN100C-3I thanks to the ispLEVER design tool package from Lattice. Popular logic synthesis tools include support for LatticeECP/EC synthesis libraries. The ispLEVER tool places and routes the design in the LatticeECP/EC device using the output from the synthesis tool and the limitations of its floor planning tools. For timing verification, the ispLEVER tool takes the timing from the routing and back-annotates it into the design. For LFEC1CE-4TN100C-3I, Lattice offers a wide variety of pre-designed IP (Intellectual Property) ispLeverCORE modules. Designers can focus on the distinctive elements of their designs while still employing these IPs as standardized building blocks, which increases productivity.
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